Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Bad news :(

Yesterday we found out who won the science fair, and............................................................{epic pause for effect.................................................................................................. I didn't win :(
I only got 15 out of 25 even though I thought mine was OK, but better than that. I knew I wouldn't win, or even come in the top 10, but it would have been nice to. Oh well. I'll put a picture of it on this post when I get a chance [which will hopefully be soon] and I want YOU, the viewers, to tell me what you think of it. Just call 215-7437[that isn't a real number] or text 2234 [which isn't real either to D@nik's Day, or leave a comment on the site [this one] to tell me what you think of it, and if I should have gotten in [and NO negative comments plz] to the top 10. Remember 215-7437, or text to 2234, D@nik's Day, thank you.
You can click the first photo and it will automatically zoom in.
Here they are:


Hope you leave some positive comments :)