Sunday, 8 December 2013


Well I don't really have many plans for Christmas except for...


So my family on my dad's side are coming over this weekend for Christmas with my cousins, and then our family [just us] are having an early Christmas on Thursday or Friday after week 10 ends, and then im having another Christmas in Wisconsin with my mum's side family in Wisconsin in the snow so that's 3 Christmasas!!! I'm also going down to Florida [not Flo Rida thank you very much] for a hot vacation on the beach!! So I'm pretty sure it will be fun, and then College starts up about 2 days after I get back yay....

P.S.- You know that thing where your typing back you made a mistake earlier and when you edit it  deletes the words in front of it? e.g im going teat pie [im going to eat pie, it deleted the o] well I found out how to fix that about 2 minutes ago, just press 'insert', which should be near the delete button and your good to go!

P.P.S.- I typed this whole post with my LEFT hand cause I burned my right one about an hour ago and it hurts if I take off the ice pack so now I know how William feels :(

P.P.P.S.- If I follow your blog [that's pretty much everyone] you should follow mine! If you don't know how, ask someone who knows, cause I want more followers than Joseph [plus I'll give you 10 cents if you want it]

P.P.P.P.S.- If you made it this far down the post, great job! Just read the next ps, ok?

P.P.P.P.P.S.- MY NAME IS DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.P.P.P.P.S.- Yes Ms Bolger, I did have other things to add because it's my last post.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.- Did I mention the thing about the followers? Or that I'll only respond to the name Dan? Oh I did? Ok, just checking.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.- This post took forever to write, so you'd better follow my blog after this!!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

So far Ive got:

  • 7 subscribers
  • 30 views on Parkour vid
  • 9 likes on Parkour vid

So keep it up!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

My Channel!!!

OK I just found out I need to post a video before I could look at my subscribers so I put up the parkour video on YouTube [search up Funny Parkour Video] so before I put up another vid I would prefer having 2 out of these 3 things:

  • 10 subscribers
  • 50 views on the Parkour vid
  • 20 likes on my Parkour vid

So remember to do that!!!
It might be hard to find my channel but below the video there should be my channel and you can subscribe to it there.
That's another reason I put up a video already.

Here is a link to the video

Also, I'm trying to decide, before I get into 'Daniel Wilkinson' channel to much, should I make another channel for my Youtube videos and give it a unique name? Or since I've already uploaded a video and written all that stuff about it, should I just use that one? I feel like 'Daniel Wilkinson' is too common and I should do what Felix did [Pewdiepie] and make an independent channel name, but I'm not sure.

I'll put a poll up and see what you guys think. This poll will last for 3 weeks.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Here is an awesome video about CinemaSins Hunger Games!!

Plus, I realised that when you start a Gmail account, you also get your own YouTube channel! So if you're reading this, go to YouTube and search up Daniel Wilkinson and subscribe!!

Also, this is my 200th post! yay! So be sure to subscribe!! I will only upload videos when I get at least 10 subscribers, SO SUBSCRIBE!!!!


Oh wait, Did I mention that you should subscribe? CAUSE YOU SHOULD!!!

10 subscribers before I upload a video!!!

Ok im going a bit overboard now...

Monday, 2 December 2013

Year 8 Assembly!

Our year 8 Assembly was on Monday, and it was grrrreeaaatttt... yeah. The theme was the Alyssa Norton Show [that's wordplay] and it included the hungry games trailer Joe and Daniel made plus the cast! It also had the red chair and the year 8 song. Joe says on his blog that he made the trailer but really it was me and him, since I had the idea Ms R Bolger said I was the main director and Joe was my assistant so yeah. Just clearing that up. And also it's Dan and Joe, not Daniel and Joe, or Joe and Daniel. Clearing that up too.

Here's the video!!!

Catnip Evercheese- Nicole Wilson
Grape- Joe White
Feta- Aiden Blackler
Coffee Drink it- Daniel Wilkinson
Pork Roast Evercheese- Lily Woodbury
Peace keeper 1- Matthew Chu
Peace keeper 2- Joaquin Obach
Trib-Fruit 1- Esme Bolam
Trib-Fruit 2- Kaity Todd
Trib-Fruit 3- Matt Chu
Trib-Fruit 4- Gabby Hunter-Smith
Backup/Behind the Senses Trib-Fruits- Caitlin Ramo, Matt Chu, Kaity Todd, William Foy and others.
Crowd members- Classes Room 11 and 12
Directors- Joe White, Daniel Wilkinson
Special effects- Joe White, Matt Chu, Daniel Wilkinson
Camera Man- Joe White, Daniel Wilkinson
Editors- Joe White, Matt Chu, Daniel Wilkinson
Assistant Director- Matt Chu
Scrip Writers- Joe White, Daniel Wilkinson
Script Dryer- Matt Chu
Organisation helpers- Miss F. Bolger and Miss R. Bolger
Sponsored by- St Benedict's School
Produced by- Joe White and Daniel Wilkinson
Pain in the Ass- Aiden Blackler
Thanks to everyone who helped and to the Bolger's for giving moral support!!!

Pisssssssssst this is "Joe." I've hacked onto Daniels account, hehehe. Anyways Everything that Daniel said is full of bull as you can imagine. Don't you guys think he's a bit sensitive, anyway you should totally go to my blog cause its way better than this one ;)     

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Personally I'm kinda gonna miss Saint Bens, it is WAY better than Incarnation [in America]. Everything is so strict at Incarnation and you have to get up really early and you hardly get any play time. College should be good, I'm DEFINATLELY looking forward to the sport facilities there. Luckily, I've got a brother who can help me get to school and show me the ropes. I guess since its pretty obvious I'd better say I'm worried about getting to know people there and being the youngest and finding my way to classes and things. But I think I'm gonna do well there. But like Paul's brother said when the principal came, we'd probably be put in different classes so we might as well say goodbye now.