Sunday, 8 December 2013


Well I don't really have many plans for Christmas except for...


So my family on my dad's side are coming over this weekend for Christmas with my cousins, and then our family [just us] are having an early Christmas on Thursday or Friday after week 10 ends, and then im having another Christmas in Wisconsin with my mum's side family in Wisconsin in the snow so that's 3 Christmasas!!! I'm also going down to Florida [not Flo Rida thank you very much] for a hot vacation on the beach!! So I'm pretty sure it will be fun, and then College starts up about 2 days after I get back yay....

P.S.- You know that thing where your typing back you made a mistake earlier and when you edit it  deletes the words in front of it? e.g im going teat pie [im going to eat pie, it deleted the o] well I found out how to fix that about 2 minutes ago, just press 'insert', which should be near the delete button and your good to go!

P.P.S.- I typed this whole post with my LEFT hand cause I burned my right one about an hour ago and it hurts if I take off the ice pack so now I know how William feels :(

P.P.P.S.- If I follow your blog [that's pretty much everyone] you should follow mine! If you don't know how, ask someone who knows, cause I want more followers than Joseph [plus I'll give you 10 cents if you want it]

P.P.P.P.S.- If you made it this far down the post, great job! Just read the next ps, ok?

P.P.P.P.P.S.- MY NAME IS DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.P.P.P.P.S.- Yes Ms Bolger, I did have other things to add because it's my last post.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.- Did I mention the thing about the followers? Or that I'll only respond to the name Dan? Oh I did? Ok, just checking.

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S.- This post took forever to write, so you'd better follow my blog after this!!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

So far Ive got:

  • 7 subscribers
  • 30 views on Parkour vid
  • 9 likes on Parkour vid

So keep it up!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

My Channel!!!

OK I just found out I need to post a video before I could look at my subscribers so I put up the parkour video on YouTube [search up Funny Parkour Video] so before I put up another vid I would prefer having 2 out of these 3 things:

  • 10 subscribers
  • 50 views on the Parkour vid
  • 20 likes on my Parkour vid

So remember to do that!!!
It might be hard to find my channel but below the video there should be my channel and you can subscribe to it there.
That's another reason I put up a video already.

Here is a link to the video

Also, I'm trying to decide, before I get into 'Daniel Wilkinson' channel to much, should I make another channel for my Youtube videos and give it a unique name? Or since I've already uploaded a video and written all that stuff about it, should I just use that one? I feel like 'Daniel Wilkinson' is too common and I should do what Felix did [Pewdiepie] and make an independent channel name, but I'm not sure.

I'll put a poll up and see what you guys think. This poll will last for 3 weeks.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Here is an awesome video about CinemaSins Hunger Games!!

Plus, I realised that when you start a Gmail account, you also get your own YouTube channel! So if you're reading this, go to YouTube and search up Daniel Wilkinson and subscribe!!

Also, this is my 200th post! yay! So be sure to subscribe!! I will only upload videos when I get at least 10 subscribers, SO SUBSCRIBE!!!!


Oh wait, Did I mention that you should subscribe? CAUSE YOU SHOULD!!!

10 subscribers before I upload a video!!!

Ok im going a bit overboard now...

Monday, 2 December 2013

Year 8 Assembly!

Our year 8 Assembly was on Monday, and it was grrrreeaaatttt... yeah. The theme was the Alyssa Norton Show [that's wordplay] and it included the hungry games trailer Joe and Daniel made plus the cast! It also had the red chair and the year 8 song. Joe says on his blog that he made the trailer but really it was me and him, since I had the idea Ms R Bolger said I was the main director and Joe was my assistant so yeah. Just clearing that up. And also it's Dan and Joe, not Daniel and Joe, or Joe and Daniel. Clearing that up too.

Here's the video!!!

Catnip Evercheese- Nicole Wilson
Grape- Joe White
Feta- Aiden Blackler
Coffee Drink it- Daniel Wilkinson
Pork Roast Evercheese- Lily Woodbury
Peace keeper 1- Matthew Chu
Peace keeper 2- Joaquin Obach
Trib-Fruit 1- Esme Bolam
Trib-Fruit 2- Kaity Todd
Trib-Fruit 3- Matt Chu
Trib-Fruit 4- Gabby Hunter-Smith
Backup/Behind the Senses Trib-Fruits- Caitlin Ramo, Matt Chu, Kaity Todd, William Foy and others.
Crowd members- Classes Room 11 and 12
Directors- Joe White, Daniel Wilkinson
Special effects- Joe White, Matt Chu, Daniel Wilkinson
Camera Man- Joe White, Daniel Wilkinson
Editors- Joe White, Matt Chu, Daniel Wilkinson
Assistant Director- Matt Chu
Scrip Writers- Joe White, Daniel Wilkinson
Script Dryer- Matt Chu
Organisation helpers- Miss F. Bolger and Miss R. Bolger
Sponsored by- St Benedict's School
Produced by- Joe White and Daniel Wilkinson
Pain in the Ass- Aiden Blackler
Thanks to everyone who helped and to the Bolger's for giving moral support!!!

Pisssssssssst this is "Joe." I've hacked onto Daniels account, hehehe. Anyways Everything that Daniel said is full of bull as you can imagine. Don't you guys think he's a bit sensitive, anyway you should totally go to my blog cause its way better than this one ;)     

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Personally I'm kinda gonna miss Saint Bens, it is WAY better than Incarnation [in America]. Everything is so strict at Incarnation and you have to get up really early and you hardly get any play time. College should be good, I'm DEFINATLELY looking forward to the sport facilities there. Luckily, I've got a brother who can help me get to school and show me the ropes. I guess since its pretty obvious I'd better say I'm worried about getting to know people there and being the youngest and finding my way to classes and things. But I think I'm gonna do well there. But like Paul's brother said when the principal came, we'd probably be put in different classes so we might as well say goodbye now.

Saturday, 30 November 2013


My unopposed single most tiring, biggest and longest time to build structure is coming together! In Dan City of course. My snowball is HUGE and it will be totally epik when its finished. I've made a lot of progress recently so here is before and after so far! LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Filming Day!

On Thursday I was meant to go to interzones but my event was rained off so the year 8's spent the day filming our movie. Joe and I were directors, Joe was also Gale/Grape, Nicole was Katniss/Catnip, Aiden was Peeta/Feta, I was Effie [no food name] and Matthew and Joaquin were guards/tribfruits. We got a lot done but since Lily was at Saint Marys and she is Prim/Prune we're doing that today. Dino day was also going on at the same time but Joe and I needed Chewy, Aiden and Nicole for the whole day so they kinda ditched their groups. I had an orthodontists appointment in the middle of the day so Joe took over for awhile. All in all, not a bad day [even though it was raining all day, but that just made the movie better].

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

hey, Hey, HEY!!! Brown belt MASTAR!!!!

[I know I spelt master wrong don't judge] Guess who just got their brown belt?!?! ME! I am officially a brown belt MASTAR! I got it at tae-kwon-do tonight [not Karate] and I am really proud. I took me months of hard work to get it but I did! So technically I 'm second grade [then first grade, then black!{belt}] I still got a lot of work ahead of me to become a black [belt] but I'm ready for it. Don't mess with ME!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Here is an epic parkour vid me and my friends made

Hope you enjoy!!!
P.S. I can do all the parkour moves Joe can do just not as good.


General 1- Aiden Blackler

Prisoner Interviewer- Daniel Wilkinson

Jimmy McReed- Joe White

George Kore- William Foy

Crazy Carlos- Ben Kimble

Prison Hacker 1- Daniel Wilkinson

Prison Hacker 2- Matthew Chu

Sargent Dog-House- Daniel Wilkinson

Bulky Bob- Joaquin Obach

Stunt Man 1- William Foy

Stunt Man 2- Joe White

Camera men- Joe White, William Foy, Daniel Wilkinson

Parkour Director- Joe White

Movie Director- Joe White

Director's Assistant- Daniel Wilkinson

Movie Editors- Ben Kimble, Joe White

Special Effects- Ben Kimble

Produced by- Joe White and William Foy

Music- 2012 Not Another fairy tale, Production  

Based on the Book- How to do Parkour

This movie is dedicated to William Foy who broke his wrist in the making of this film.

P.S. I copyed and pasted the credits from Joe's blog :D.

You should aslo check  his blog out cause its sort of better than mine :(
Joe I swear to God...

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Well that was disappointing....

*Ahem* only 1 person actually voted on my poll. So I'm gonna run it again and this time I expect more results!!!!!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

All Whites vs. Mexico!

I saw the all whites vs. Mexico with my football team at the stadium on Wednesday [so yeah Anthony, that's what I did last Wednesday].  It was a disappointing result, 4-2 to Mexico. We played well though, but it wasn't like we were going to win or anything. So yeah, that was fun.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Book Character Day!

Well it was book character day today, and I went as Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes. Nobody knew who I was :( Calvin and Hobbes is a comic book series about a six year-old who is funny. He does all this stuff and he has a tiger named Hobbes. Hobbes is complicated because he is a stuffed animal but when he and Calvin are alone he walks on two legs and talks. The author explains this in the tenth anniversary book. Its a really funny comic series and you should read it. Anyway, we also had a book quiz and Joseph, Alyssa, Anastasia and I were presenters. Ngatoto lost and I don't think were going to win this year. So yeah, today was good.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Hobbes travels the world! [or at least between classrooms]

Hobbes was once again popular among people. Caitlin, Sam A and Chewy especially. But I didn't mind. Tomorrow I'm going to dress up as Calvin. Maybe do my hairstyle in a cool way. I just got a haircut but it should still work. So yeah.

Um, what are you going to go as for book character day?

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Calvin & Hobbes!!!

This week I've decided to be Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. So it's pretty obvious I would bring in a stuffed tiger to school like Calvin. I couldn't find a large enough tiger to bring, so I brought a reasonable sized cheetah. At dodgeball my cheetah became a sort of king to protect. Sam A and Chewy were hogging all day! I hardly touched it once they got a hold of him. But it was a fun day day. I did my speech. And were doing a parkour-book video thing. It's going well. So yeah, might post tomorrow.


Saturday, 9 November 2013


I bet if you watch this video for a least a minute it'll be in your head all day.

Guy Fawkes FAIL

Well tonight was a fail. It didn't matter that our house a good view because of the WIND!!!The wind blew the smoke of the fireworks to block our view! Everyone behind the fireworks got a great view of fireworks with a cool smoky background, but we only got half a show! I gave up after about 2 minutes a just watched cricket. Good thing I saw the Fourth of July celebration, which, in an earlier post, I mentioned. But, oh well, never mind.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

EXAM IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Whew* Our Saint Patrick's exam is Over! I spent so long worrying about it, but now I just finished it! There were 3 subjects, math, reading and writing. Math and reading were on the computer but the writing was on paper. Most of it was pretty easy except for thinking up a story and some of the math questions. It wasn't for a scholarship or anything, but it was still nerve-racking. Plus, our house had the BEST view for watching mini fireworks displays! Our house has a grand view of the harbour, Khandallah and Lower Hutt. So yeah. And the big fireworks display is still to come so hope it's good!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


5000 PAGEVIEWS!!!!!! This is big, because it's 5000!!! Together we did it! Plus, still got my poll on the side it would really help if you voted!!


Play cookie clicker!!!!
Here is a link!!!
It is sooooooo addicting!!!!

[Note, I am not responsible if computer crashes when clicking this link from PURE AWESOMENESS!!!!]

Sunday, 3 November 2013


Fireworks should be used on the fourth of July if you ask me. What's with this Guy Fawkes anyway? Fourth of July celebrates the declaration of Independence's BIRTH, also known as independence day. It is one of the most important holiday's in America, so if it's sooooooooooo important WE should celebrate it too! We fought in the war, we deserve our fair share of cool American holidays!! I don't care that it's an American holiday, we should celebrate it anyway. It's a good holiday. [Also you get A DAY OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]


Wednesday, 30 October 2013


WOOHOO its Halloween and that means trick-or-treating!!! Lots of candy if you hit the right houses. So yeah this will most likely be my last year since I'm a teenager now [13] but candy is still nice. I'm going with a few [if 10 is a few] of ma friends so it should be fun! Weather is the only problem for me right now its practically pouring outside but hopefully that will clear up in 45 minutes when we leave. I'm going as a Tae-Kwon Do Brown belt [legit] so hopefully my trick will be kicking the snot out of people if I don't get candy [not really]. Anyway its dinner time ill post later!

Bye peeps...

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Times up

OK times up for the juggling poll, I'm joining Joaquin's 'Joaquin and the cool peeps' group. I think I'm going to juggle there instead but I don't know. But for all you Smosh fans, here's a new poll I want people's opinion on. [I'll post what I think sometime in the future] You have 2 and a half weeks to state your opinion.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Future Job

My ideal future job is to be a professional football player for the phoenix. I will have to practice my skills a lot, at the park, in my backyard and such. I will probably have to take up football in College to achieve this. I could play for Onslow outside of school to help develop my skills outside of school.
Do you think this is a good job choice?

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Aces vs. Celtics [best 3 out of 5]

Our basketball team, the Celtics, played the best Raroa team in the grade/ the whole grade last Friday. We lost, of course [best 4 out of 7] but we played well. The first time we played them, I was so intimidated, and we lost 7-56, but now I realise that their still human, and in our third game we only lost 11-37. It was a really fun game.

Friday, 25 October 2013


Good news everyone! Its labour day weekend, so no school on Monday! I'm sure labour day is important but all I know is that we get a day off! Saw GRAVITY today as well. At the beginning I was thinking 'how is this gonna be 90 minutes?' But it was a really good movie. I recommend it along with
  • Thor, the Dark World
  • Hunger Games, Catching Fire
  • Hobbit, Desolation of Smaug
  • Cloudy with a Chance a Meatballs 2
  • And Ender's Game
When they come out. Plus, I went to a basketball tournament with about 50 people and I got accepted into the top 20! I got to do training for 6 weeks and it kinda clashes with my tennis interclub, but the basketball is for my basketball college career so I think that is more important. Well that's it cya.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


If you didn't know, Halloween is coming up! It is not as celebrated here as in America, but you can still get free candy. Last year some guy threw eggs at us but he missed and this year we might go back [if my friends don't chicken out] I don't know what to dress up as, anyone got any ideas?

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Got new poll, check it out on right hand side of screen.

P.S blogs to follow on the left

Holidays + Fair

I didn't really do anything interesting in the holidays. Just read and played video games. Some friends came over as well. The most exciting thing was when I went to Aiden's paintball party and we watched fast and furious 6 afterwards and ate pizza, so that was fun. I wore a mask not a helmet so my hair got splattered with paint.

Yesterday we had the school fair, which was fun. There was this basketball thing where you could shoot for chocolate. PJ, Alfonso, me, Joe and Quinn all chipped in to buy a basketball and Saints shirt signed by the team worth $350 for $50. PJ kept the shirt and car ticket and Quinn kept the ball. PJ's gonna try to pay us back later. Also, Joe, Matt and I went to a basketball tournament for St. Pats. The guy running it said he would end an email to the top 20 players that were there. I think I'm going cause someone wrote down my name but I can't be sure until I get the email [or not get it]
So yeah, what did you do at the Spring Fair?

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Today I had my first tennis interclub practice, and it was pretty good. We got two year sixes on our team, and at first I was thinking 'urg, year sixes' but now I'm thinking 'yay! Year sixes!' The year sixes are our best players. It's also good because I have a classmate/good friend in my team so when we buddy up I just go with him. We have our first game on Sunday, but I'm missing it because we've got a spring fair. Our team has 6 players but we only need 4 and two people take the day off. So it should be a good season.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Speech Topic!

I have decided on this topic for my speech unless something goes wrong.

I'm not going to tell you, I'm going to give you a clue. Comment below to see if you guessed right.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Saturday, 5 October 2013

The Rugby Championship is ours!

If you haven't heard, New Zealand/All Blacks beat South Africa/Springboks 38-27, making us the winner of the Rugby Championship! We scored five tries, one more than we need to get the bonus point, plus the four points from winning the game! Two of them with only 14 players! Plus a penalty. It was one of the most exciting games of rugby ever! I missed most of the first half, but a lot of the action happened in the second, so that was good. So yeah, very exciting.

Friday, 27 September 2013


Basketball has ended for this term, so no more games for 2 weeks I think. This term we went pretty well. We won at least half our games, maybe more. But next term, instead of having two teams, were gonna have three! A year 8 team and 2 year 7 teams. So I hope next term were still one of the best teams in the grade, even without our year 7 partners.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

End of Term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is now officially the end of term 3! No school for 2 whole weeks!!!!!!! I can't wait to sleep in, go over to friends houses and lots of fun stuff! Yeah!


New Zealand LOST the Americas Cup?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Americas Cup!!!!

The Americas Cup has been so exciting so far! First, we were winning 8-3, now were tied 8-8!! Tomorrow will be the decider, who is better? New Zealand, or a bunch of the World's best European sailors sailing a tricked out boat calling themselves America? We will find out tomorrow. And, GO NEW ZEALAND!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

An unexpected journey...

I was woken up this morning to realise that my sister also had a soccer tournament in Masterton!!! I got up at 7 and we left at 7:45 for my second 90 minute ride!!!Kelsey also played 4 games, and they weren't exactly the best team in the league. They lost there first 3 games 7-0, 8-1, and 7-1. Then they won their last game 4-1. And then we had to drive all the way back [another 90 minutes!] And now I'm going to be going to my cousin's 5th family birthday party! My dad also got the monthly record for mini golf adults at this mini golf place, 36 for 18 holes! So that's good. Well I've got to go now but I hope we don't have any more tournaments coming up anytime soon!

Friday, 20 September 2013


I've just gotten back from my soccer/football tournament in Masterton [which is an hour and a half drive from here!!!] The team I was filling in for played 4 30 minute games, and we didn't do that well. We lost our first game 7-0, lost our game 1-0 [they got a penalty] tied our third game 2-2, and won our last game 2-1. So it was an hour and a half drive, 30 minute game, hour and a half wait, 30 minute game, another hour and a half wait, a 30 minute game, a 30 wait, a 30 game, lull time, and then an hour and a half drive home [plus 3 sausages and a game of mini golf] So altogether that's about 9 hours! The first game started at 9, so we had to leave at 7, which is ridiculous. But it was fun, so that's all that matters [plus the fact I've had a shower so I feel better]

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Dan city what I've built

Here is a full list of everything I've built on Dan City:
  • Ice rink
  • Boat race
  • Dan Mart
  • Welcome/Bye sign
  • Fireworks infinite/Plaza
  • School
  • Four Houses with fountain
  • Crop area
  • Library
  • Tennis Court
  • Blacksmith
  • Dan's Diner
  • Zoo
  • Pool/bar
  • Fitness Centre
  • Stadium
  • Mail drops 1 & 2 [that run underground]
  • Multi Story Apartment building
  • Woollen super structure/Bungee Jump
  • Hotel
  • 264 block high with ladder to climb
  • Bank
  • Helter Shelter
  • Café
  • Buy 'n' Large [place to buy blocks of sorts]
  • Witches Hut
  • Playground
  • Movie Theatre
  • Trader Joe's
  • Basketball court
  • Horse racing
  • Giant snowball fighting arena [unfinished]
  • Rollercoaster
  • Barn/stable
  • Barn House
  • Archery Practice easy/medium/hard
  • Soccer/Football Pitch with Stands
  • And a little section of fence with special horse and pig
If you would like to see any of these close up or want some info on them, or have idea on what I should build next, comment, and I will get back to you [I'm really running out of ideas for what to build]

You probably don't remember but here it is anyway...

These are recent pictures of Dan City. You can pic out a hotel, a boat course, some houses, and other buildings that you look at and go 'huh?' but I go 'yeah, that took ages'. Fell free to try to guess what they are. In fact, I even have command blocks so you can teleport from home to work instantly!

You have to admit, it's pretty boss.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Another poll!

This came to me while throwing a ball around. I remember on a bus ride a few of my classmates said The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey was crap, while some others kids and I thought it was great. So, what do you think of it? Vote on the right hand side of the screen.

My Artwork

This is my favourite piece of artwork from that Art Week thing I told you about. I painted the background based on the piece 'the football players' from Henri Rousseau. I used a blend of red, green and brown rolled into one dabbed to make the trees. The ground starts light near the front and gets darker brown near the back. In the original piece 'the football players' Henri Rousseau painted on the people, but we took pictures of us in thermals wearing moustaches in cool poses. This is mine because I'm in the front. The others have them in the front. Those are my friends in the background.
[I think you can flip it if you click it but if you can't I'll change this]

Is CHERUB better than Henderson's Boys?

I've got a new poll on which is better, CHERUB or Henderson's Boys [BTW most people thought minecraft was OK] so be sure to vote! [It's on the right hand side of the screen]
P.S: This is my 159th post, which happens to be my football juggling record [you know, with your feet] so that's pretty good for me.

Thursday, 12 September 2013


Me and my bro have been BANNED from watching YouTube and doing anything that involves using data! We didn't do anything wrong, it's just this month we've been burning through our Gigabyte's of data, we've used about 80% and we're only halfway through the month! So no multi-player Minecraft [William] either! For a full 10 days! Wish me luck bros...

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

OK, most of you guessed right, well, yeah, most.

The second most subscribed is smosh with about 12,300,000 subscribers. Pewdiepie has about 12,950,000 subscribers.

Pewdiepie's real name is Felix.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


I am currently learning how to juggle 5 balls, and let me just say it is not going well. I am struggling with the concept of the "cascade" and I can't get it right. I am watching this video [here is the link] and I get the special 3 ball cascade right. I am trying to watch the video but it won't let me!! So I shut it down but it had to install stuff and when I finally turn the computer back on, I get the same problem!!! I want to be able to juggle 5 by the end of the year, so wish me luck!

Art Week!

This week is Art week! So it is basically art all week. Our class artist is Henri Rousseau, he painted jungles and people mostly. We've made several different things, like a jungle landscape for the corridor, and some of his paintings with people. So we paint the background and then we wear the sort of clothes that are in the photo. And finally, we are making our own painting using Henri's style and types of paintings like jungles and stuff to go up on the back wall. I was sick today so I'll be a bit behind the others but I should finish everything. So yeah.

Action Day!!

Every few months or so we have an action day for our Tae-kwon-do. This super master comes from Australia to teach us. We show him what we've learnt and both Dojos come together to practice and stuff. It's pretty cool and I've just learned and perfected my 3rd grade pattern. The action day is in a week so that should be pretty cool. Looking forward to it!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Ummm Ok Current Obsession...

Well if it isn't obvious from my last post, my current obsession is watching Pewdiepie videos on YouTube. I love the fact that he uses things like X-box and PC, and games that I've never heard of, From Horror to Funny to Barbie. He makes lots of funny jokes while he's playing and it's fun to watch his reactions and stuff.  I actually think it is impossible to watch all his videos. He is 23, born October 24th, 1989. He specializes in Let's play videos and he has over 12 million subscribers. In fact, Pewdiepie is the number 1 subscriber and  on YouTube. Each of his videos gets 1,685,714 or more views average. You usually see Pewdiepie doing a bro fist so here is a pic of him doing one.

This is Pewdiepie or Pewds for short. Bro fist him back and subscribe!


I should include a non-obvious question.


Without searching up the answer, who do you think is the 2nd most subscribed on YouTube?


Here is an extra for experts question.


What is Pewdiepie's real name?


I will post the answers later.




Here is a link to one of his funny montages, hope you enjoy :D

Saturday, 7 September 2013

The walking dead!

I have just finished watching a Pewdiepie series, called the walking dead. It has a very emotional ending ): I've decided that I will play it myself. I'm just having a little trouble downloading it but I should be able to get it working soon. Can't wait to make my own decisions instead of watching Pewdiepie make them. The people who made the game are Telltale games. They a variety of different games and I might check some of them out. In the meantime, here is the link to there site, I recommend that you check it out, you might find something you like, or, yeah.

Here it is:


If you could not guess, background is angry birds

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


We are getting ready for the end of the year. Since I am a year 8 I will be going to College next year. So we are making our yearbooks!! I've always wanted to make a yearbook when I am a year 8 because it seems cool that your classmates will have a memo of you and vice-versa. It has photos, and facts, and some funny stuff. It's really cool but I will miss them and my good year 7 friends. But there still just over a term left so that is good. Last year was a big blow because not only did my older year 8 friends leave then, but our local priest and principal left too. But I got over it and now it is my turn. So, yeah, yearbooks and leavers mass but that won't come for awhile so might post about that later.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

The Manor House

This is the Manor house our group built. I made the outside while the rest of my group worked on the inside. I got the idea for fence and upside down stairs off a picture on Google. I thought it looked good so I added it. The manor house housed the Lord and his family and servants. I also thought flowers with grass and trapdoors were a nice touch.
Do you think there is any other material I could've used?

Monday, 26 August 2013

I can't believe I've had my blog for 2 and a half years. And that I have just over 4 thousand pageviews. Its spectacular.

Medieval Times!!!!!

Our topic for this term so far has been medieval times so like the middle ages, or the dark ages. We have been making PowerPoints and watching videos and having class discussions about it. We have also been building like a Minecraft medieval village and making a newspaper about medieval times. They didn't have newspapers back then but we were, like, 'what if they did?' So, I think that the newspaper has helped learn and remember the best because of like, researching and stuff and trying to make the newspaper as medieval as possible. I think that the medieval times is cool, even cooler than the Romans because like, hunting and witches and beheading sounds awesome. The Romans were our last topic and yeah its OK, gladiators and stuff, but medieval times had like, kings and Lords and that's cool.

Plus, this is my 150th post! so, like, party!
Yeah, medieval times looked just like this.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Math time with Daniel 3!

Todays lesson is...........



This is very easy.

Pay attention, you are about to be tested.

What is Pi?

If you said, pie, you are wrong in the right way.

The real answer is [to 20 digits]


If you said that, you are correct! [anything less is wrong]

So, yeah, good job if you got it right, but get smarter if you got it wrong.

See you next time on, Math Time With Daniel!!!


Tuesday, 20 August 2013


This soccer season has been going really well for our team this year, we've only lost 2 games. One against a year 9 & 10 team, and another against a team we beat 5-4 earlier in the season. We've also had, like, 3 draws and we've won all the rest. Unfortunately, the season is almost over :( and I won't play with my team again cause it will be College team's next year. We have like, 2 or 3 game left and I'm missing a basketball game for one. But I am looking forward to prize giving, our team party, and [hopefully] summer soccer. Which is not as good but soccer is soccer. There is also one thing me and my friend Joe will probably never find out, which team is better. We are in different age groups cause Joe is, like, a year younger than me. We both think our team could beat the other. But its not like we can get both our teams together just for that. So I guess we'll never know :(

Well, actually, I'm a thumb, so its physically impossible for me to play anyway. But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 

Sunday, 18 August 2013


We won another one of our basketball games! I mean, our team is average, but at least were not useless. But I took like, 20 shots and only made 1 basket in! But it was worse for Joe, he took about 20 shots and didn't make a single basket! But we know well do better this week. I think were playing a Newlands team, so yeah, should be fun$. I have no idea why I put a money sign there.

Math time with Daniel 2!!!!!!! THE ANSWER!!!!


X3=75 CAUSE X IS 25.

Y=18 SO (Y+54)=72.


3 / (/ MEANS DIVIDED) 6=.5





Electives is this thing we do on Fridays. There are different things you can do, for example:
  • Science
  • Cooking
  • Creative Computers
  • Sport
Those are some of the interesting ones (and the ones I can remember). Electives runs from 11:30 to 12:30. I am currently in Creative Computers, which is like filming and creating worlds on Minecraft. Last term I was in Cooking (or Masterchef) and we made things like:
  • Thai green curry
  • Kedgeree
  • Mushroom and Bacon risotto
  • Rocky Road
  • And (shudder) Salmon and Guacamole tacos. EUG!
So yeah Electives are pretty cool.

Thursday, 15 August 2013


Recently I have entered into 2 raffles, hoping to win. Each raffle has different prizes, not just one big one. One raffle is more the College I'm going 2, the one I did the exam for, and I could win:
An IPhone 5;
An IPad Mini;
Or an IPod touch.

Now, you're probably wondering, "but Daniel, you already have an IPod Touch" You're right, I do, But it's not as good as an IPod Touch, 32 GIGs!!!!!!

OK, so the other raffle is for my current School, and I could win:
A 4-burner stainless steel BBQ;
A Samsung Galaxy Note 2 handset;
2 nights at Waterwatever hotel w. free breakfast and a Z fuel voucher;
A gourmet 2-course for 6 prepared and delivered.

They both cost 2 dollars, but let me just ask you this,

Which one would you prefer?

BTW I'll be answering that math question soon!!!!!!!